Things to Do

E! Hosts at the White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner Face New Challenge

They’ll struggle to identify Washington bigwigs, says network vice president Bruce Perlmutter.

Mark Malkin and Alicia Quarles host the WHCA dinner coverage for E! this year. Photograph of Malkin via Helga Esteb/Shutterstock.; photograph of Quarles via lev radin/Shutterstock.

Former Bethesda resident and University of Maryland grad
Giuliana Rancic won’t be making a triumphant
homecoming on the red carpet for E! at the White House
Correspondents’ Association dinner this weekend. According to

those duties will fall upon second-stringers
Alicia Quarles and
Marc Malkin. And unlike the Oscars, say, they’ll have the challenging job of identifying hundreds
of less-recognizable faces alongside the stars. Hillary Clinton? Easy. SEC head
Mary Jo White? Not so much.

The red carpet won’t be streamed live on E!, which is a disappointment to those of
us hoping to gatecrash the mani-cam—according to the
Washington Post,

highlights from the red carpet will be broadcast the next
night, which will give the
network time to filter out any gatecrashers and focus on the
real stars, such as
Nicole Kidman,
Kerry Washington,
Jeremy Renner,
Gerard Butler, and, of course,
Barbra Streisand. (The network will instead broadcast “Ready For Love: Meet Ben and Ernesto” from
5 to 7 on Saturday.) But we still say any highlight reel that doesn’t have Canadian
Central Bank governor
Mark Carney in it just isn’t worth watching.