News & Politics

Best of 2004: Creative Cocktails

Mixologist Todd Thrasher makes delicious concoctions.

Ever had a cocktail with purple basil, tomato water, or foie gras? They might sound odd, but the Edenesque Cocktails made by Todd Thrasher, mixologist at Restaurant Eve (110 S. Pitt St., Alexandria; 703-706-0450), are delicious.

Try his Eamonn's Cocktail–a twist on the Irish Rickey made with yuzu juice, Irish red lemonade, and Powers Irish whiskey–or his New-Age Gibson, garnished with saffron-infused pearl onions. And the foie gras? That comes on the side of the Pear of Desire, a blend of puréed pears, Liquor 43, fermented ginger, and ginger ale. All drinks but Pear of Desire are $8.75–less than the price of a vodka tonic at some downtown clubs.

Washingtonian staff contributing to this section were Chuck Conconi, Sherri Dalphonse, Susan Davidson, Mary Clare Fleury, Cynthia Hacinli, Thomas Head, Stephanie Jones, Ann Limpert, Drew Lindsay, Chad Lorenz, Leslie Milk, William O'Sullivan, Cindy Rich, and Jeremy Stahl.  Also contributing were writers Cathy Alter, Ann Cochran, and Jenny Sullivan.