For arts lovers on a budget, TICKETplace’s 50-percent discounts represent a recovered Eden of affordability. As DC’s only authorized half-price ticket outlet, TICKETplace hearkens to a kinder, gentler time when attending an arts event could cost as little as $3.20.
Unfortunately, just as Adam and Eve suffered for their wisdom, so you, too, must endure hardships for your savvy. Beware logistical difficulties as you buy tickets only at prescribed times and prices (for example: online sales are only available Tuesday through Friday from noon – 4 pm) and plan for fairly hefty service charges—12 percent of the original ticket price if you buy in person, 17 percent if you buy online. Even with the half-price discount, some events, like an upcoming performance of “Lord of the Dance,” will set you back a solid chunk of change ($43.10 per ticket).
Still, your journey to half-pricedom comes with friendly local arts experts who work the counter at 407 Seventh Street, NW (between D and E streets near the Gallery Place and Archives Metro stops) and are happy to talk with you if you buy tickets in person.
Need some ideas on what events to buy tickets for? Check out our events listings, and for even more guidance, visit our theater reviews that tell you what's worth seeing.