Things to Do

Arcade Fire Giveaway: We Have a Winner!

I just picked the winner for the Arcade Fire ticket giveaway contest, and while I have to say many of your entries were funny, well-composed, and often a tad, um…desperate, I had to give the ticket to Sarah W., who is moving to Kosovo this weekend for work, and who says that "rocking out to my favorite band on Friday would be the perfect end to seven years of DC concert going. In fact, if I got this ticket I would have to blow off my farewell party. I’m okay with that."

Pretty devoted, eh? Read a few of my other favorite entries below. Thanks to all who entered!

From Allison G.:

I moved to DC almost eight months ago from Tucson, Arizona, where shows cost about $7 – maybe $12, if it was a big name – like Arcade Fire. As a broke college student, that meant I could choose from the three venues around and go a see a show whenever I had a free night. The music scene was small enough so I always knew someone there and so shows were never sold out.

It was quite possibly the only plus of living in Tucson.

Now that I live in D.C., sure there are amazing museums, public transportation that actually works (most of the time), and more than one street of bars to choose from. But as for the music scene… Well, you know the drill: tickets cost thirty bucks, it's a fight to get into even the decent shows and my meager entry level job doesn't provide the salary or the people who are willing to go.

So why should I get the ticket? Because I need to get into the D.C. music scene, because I don't know anyone who wants to go to the show so I won't be upset going by myself, and because I will seriously bake you and all of your coworkers the best damn cream cheese brownies out there if I get it. (Ed. note—the promise of brownies seriously almost swayed me.


From Kate Z.:

The biggest reason I should get the ticket is because I am a stay-at-home mom with two children, ages 4 1/2 and 4 1/2 months.  Yes, I have a new little baby, who has been keeping me up all night.  I need a break, I need to go out to see the Arcade Fire, and since you only have one ticket to give away, my husband can stay home with the kids!  Please save me from my suburban drudgery and send me to the Arcade Fire show.


From Jon L.:

Why I want to go: I want to go because going would make me a hell of a lot cooler. It would increase my hipster credibility 300%, cure my acne, and perhaps make me grow three inches taller. I want to go just so I can get a ticket to go, and then NOT go, and brag about it all weekend at the Rock and Roll Hotel: “Oh, yeah, I would have gone, but only to see the opening band, but then I found out King Giant was playing at Velvet and, you know, I totally would have rather seen them. So I gave my ticket to some collar-popped poser at Saint Ex and rode my fixie back to work.” I want to go because I love the Arcade Fire so much that I hate them for making me love them so. I want to go so I can satisfy that guy on Craig’s List who is hoping to trade his ticket to the non-sold-out Bloc Party show, and trade him the ticket. I want to go just to be able to post TRADE YOU ONE ARCADE FIRE TICKET FOR ONE HUEY LEWIS AND THE NEWS AT WOLFTRAP TICKET on Craig’s List, and see what happens. I want to go because after I missed the Dismemberment Plan at the Black Cat I can’t walk into the Red Room with my head held high anymore. I want to go so my friend Alix who only has one ticket doesn’t have to go alone. I want to go so I have an excuse not to go to Gold Cup with my roommate in the morning. I want to go because I suspect there won’t be enough squares there. I WANT TO GO BECAUSE I DESERVE IT.