Having worked from home a bit myself, and, more particularly, having lived with several people who worked exclusively from home (gotta love those paid blogging/freelance gigs), I know firsthand how liberating that sort of schedule can be. I also know firsthand how it can often drive you totally batty—isolation, cabin fever, and one too many scalded pots of homemade coffee can get to you.
Busboys & Poets, the popular cafe and bookshop on 14th and V Streets, NW, knows that, too. That's why today, from 2:30 pm to 4 pm, they're hosting "Coffee Klatsch for People Who Work at Home," an event that encourages at-home-workers to get out of the house and socialize with other folks who do the same. As they say: "Come hang out with fellow writers, artists, freelancers, consultants, telecommuters and others who might otherwise go stir-crazy working at home." The event is free, so you've got no excuse not to get out of the house. Busboys & Poets is located at 2021 14th Street, NW.