Tina Alster, 47
Dermatologist and director, Washington Institute of Dermatologic Laser Surgery
How would you describe your style?
Modern. I take clothes that look good on me and give them an up-to-date twist.
Where do you like to shop?
I shop when I’m in Chicago, New York, Paris, or Montreal. In Washington, I go to Saks Fifth Avenue, Neiman Marcus, and Carol Mitchell in Tysons Galleria.
What outfit always makes you feel fabulous?
A Courrèges black-and-white suit that I can pair with any number of black skirts. I’m often with a lot of doctors, and when I wear it I stand out in the crowd. I also love Lanvin and Louis Vuitton suits.
What was your worst fashion disaster?
Buying very expensive patent-leather boots with Velcro closings from Louis Vuitton last year. They look like ski boots. Whenever I put them on, my husband rolled his eyes. I wore them only a handful of times.
What’s the best fashion advice you’ve ever received?
Find out what you look good in and stick to it.
Want to nominate a local woman for next year's best-dressed list? Send suggestions to Leslie Milk at lmilk@washingtonian.com.