Monday, September 8: Beer for $1
If you’re not ready to let go of the weekend just yet, head to the U Street bar Duffy’s Irish Pub for its Monday-night special of $1 for any beer that comes in a can, starting at 4 and going till midnight. Duffy’s may be low on the atmosphere scale, but hey, for beer that cheap, we’re willing to put up with a lot.
Tuesday, September 9: Noir With Pelecanos
Are you a fan of author George Pelecanos, who’s made a name for himself writing dark and intriguing crime novels set in the District? Then make your way to Busboys & Poets tonight from 6 to 8. He’ll be hosting a talk about DC Noir 2, a collection of noir tales set in DC.
Wednesday, September 10: Sandra Bernhard Without You
Sandra Bernhard presents an electric and entertaining mix of cabaret and satire in her one-woman show Without You I’m Nothing, now onstage at Theatre J. 8 PM; $45 to $65.
Thursday, September 11: DC Shorts Kicks Off
More than 106 short films will be featured in the fifth annual DC Shorts Film Festival, which kicks off tonight. Beyond the shorts (films on a variety subjects around ten minutes in length), the festival features Q&As with directors, parties, and more. Read our interview with DC Shorts organizer Jon Gann here.
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