The people have spoken! Screen on the Green will return to the Mall this year, thanks to a rousing community effort to save it amid the threat of insufficient funding.
The letter-writing and Twitter campaigns led by Jesse Rauch, the force behind Save Screen on the Green, and the DC Film Alliance successfully secured a sponsorship deal with Comcast and HBO this month. According to an HBO spokesperson, the “continued interest and enthusiasm” of the Washington community played a role in its decision. “We did it! We saved Screen on the Green!” Rauch tweeted when the news was announced. The outdoor festival, now in its 11th year, will remain free to the public.
Films will be shown on four consecutive Mondays, beginning at dusk on July 12 with the 1964 James Bond flick, Goldfinger. Also on the roster this year: The Goodbye Girl, 12 Angry Men, and Bonnie and Clyde. As always, the 20-by-40-foot screens will be set up on the Mall between Fourth and Seventh Streets.
We've updated our summer movie listings in accordance with the happy news.
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