Name: Ginger Loper
Firm: Loper Consulting
Age: 37
For clients who need to charm Senate Republicans, Loper is a safe bet. A former staffer for then Mississippi senator Trent Lott, she spent two years as a special assistant to the President for legislative affairs under George W. Bush. In that position, she pushed the President’s health-care, education, Social Security, tax, and agriculture agendas in the Senate.
Loper worked at Timmons & Company before the lobbying firm merged with another to become Prime Policy Group, creating conflicts for Loper’s clients. Now on her own, she says she can “work smarter” and with more flexibility for clients such as the American Medical Association and the Consumer Healthcare Products Association. Her mentor, prominent Republican lobbyist Larry Harlow, also recently left Prime Policy, and the two of them are teaming up for some clients.
This article appears in the June 2011 issue of The Washingtonian.