Good Jeans Company
A good silk scarf is a classic. But what if you have a drawerful of Hermès or Gucci scarves—the square ones that went so well with big-shouldered suits of the ’80s—that you can’t part with but rarely wear? DC’s Kate Fralin came up with a solution.
Her business, Good Jeans Company, will—for $350—line a jean jacket with a favorite silk scarf.
Clients range from professional women who want to make something old look new to cancer survivors happily recycling headscarves. Grandmothers turn heirloom scarves into jacket linings for granddaughters.
“You want to take something that may have some meaning—‘This is a scarf that meant X to me,’ ” Fralin says. “My mother had given scarves to me, and I didn’t want to part with them. A little piece of her is in each jacket.”
This article appears in the July 2011 issue of The Washingtonian.