It might be hard to believe, but the Beach Boys are celebrating their 50th anniversary this year—their debut album,
Surfin’ Safari, was released October 1, 1962. During their five decades as a band, the Beach Boys changed the fabric of American music,
releasing countless iconic hits from “Good Vibrations” to “Surfin’ USA.”
The musical team of
Brian Wilson and
Mike Love has reunited for the first time in more than ten years for the band’s current tour, which stops at Merriweather this Friday, June
15. In addition to a number of Beach Boys staples, the band will be playing songs from their newest album,
That’s Why God Made the Radio, described as “a Beach Boys album through and through” by the
LA Times. We have a pair of tickets to give away—to
win, e-mail and tell us your favorite Beach
Boys track,
putting “Beach Boys” in the subject line. We’ll pick a winner
at random Wednesday afternoon and notify them Thursday morning.
For more info about the concert, visit Merriweather’s website.