
Brooke Fierce Bronner

Visual artistry, smarts, a cool urban home, and a sharp wit define this mom of three

Amy Baier and Abeer Al Otaiba are co-chairs of the Children's Ball for Children’s National 
Medical Center on April 11. Photograph by Greg Powers. Photograph by Kate Warren. Photograph by Kate Warren.

“There is no balance to my life—it’s not really my goal. There is just an all-out sprint at whatever needs to get done.” This is Brooke Fierce Bronner’s approach to getting through each day as a mom to three kids, a wife, and an artist. Quite frankly, we think she has the right idea.

“I anticipated a much more corporate path,” says Fierce Bronner, ultimately opting for life as a visual artist and not an office wonk. “When we had our third child, a lot had to shift. I saw an opening and ran hard at the opportunity to establish the space for me to be a painter, in addition to my other roles.” She says all of her kids are outgoing, energetic, always on. “There’s not a shy or retiring one in the bunch.” Which is likely why when asked how she describes her “occupation,” she adds a few more labels than most. “I’m a hausfrau, people mover, planner, and doer of stuff,” says Fierce Bronner, 42, who is making a name for herself in art circles with her urban-inspired canvases of buildings and landscapes. Born in Brooklyn and raised mainly in Asia, it’s her global perspective that inspires looking at life creatively. “I think of my home like a canvas and I treat the stuff in it like any medium,” she explains. “It changes daily to reflect my mood, or a painting I might be working on, or some other inspiration.” Nothing in the house is spared if she feels the need to shift or reshuffle. “My family finds it very confusing, but they are growing accustomed!” And that includes Philip, her husband of 14 years. “Marrying him was unquestionably the best call I have ever made.” 

As for her take on motherhood, one gets the sense there is immense wisdom, but a realistic approach is paramount. “My credo for surviving? I am not sure if red wine is an appropriate answer.” If she could go back and give her new-mom self a bit of advice, she would caution not to over-think it; there is no “right” way. “I would give up any preconceived notions of what motherhood ‘should’ be,” Fierce Bronner says. “This is definitely a make-it-up-as-you-go-along kind of job—managing anyone else’s expectations would be a nightmare.” And if she were to suggest something for a new mom? “The wide open swaths of night, when it’s quiet and just you and the baby—life is never that still again.”

Inspiration boards of pictures, colors, and the tools of an artist. Photograph by Kate Warren.
A miniature canvas in Fierce Bronner’s studio workspace. Photograph by Kate Warren.
The stylish mom of three gets it all done with a sense of humor and patience. Photographs by Kate Warren.

div class=”entry_img_caption”>Photograph by Kate Warren.

Books, old images, and the perfect accessories. Photograph by Kate Warren.

Brooke’s Mom Code

Signature Scent

Favorite Restaurant With The Kids

Artist You Most Admire
Arthur Coppedge. 

Favorite Piece Of Clothing
All Saints “Raffi” leggings. They are made of the softest cotton and have a “skirted” waist—which is oh-so kind on the derrière. 

La Mer lip balm and Yves Saint Laurent lipstick.

Favorite Family Tradition
Bedtime at 7:30. 

Dream Vacation: 
An extended period of time, on my own, in my own house. I can’t imagine what it looks or sounds like without all the action. I think I would love it.

Best Piece Of Advice
Put on your own oxygen mask before assisting others.

When All Else Fails
Deep breath and then start again from square one.
