When opening a new place, one of the biggest decisions a restaurateur will make is what to call it. And while some names seem pretty random—Sally’s Middle Name, we’re looking at you—they’re part of larger trends. Here’s what the last few years have brought us.
The Could-Be-Brothels
The Could-Be-Tech-Start-Ups
Places Where You Might Think to Look for Magic Mike
Faux-Prole Hangouts
Reasons You Might Need a Doctor
Reasons You Might Need a Vet
Vague Threats
Colorful Menagerie
The Only-in-Washington Set
- Lincoln
- The Partisan
- The Hamilton
- Boss Shepherd’s
- Teddy & the Bully Bar
- Southern Efficiency
- Le Diplomate
- The Dignitary
- Boundary Stone
The Name of Your Next Indie Band
Things You Find Inside a Restaurant
Vowel-Less Wonders
When in Doubt, Just Throw in an Ampersand
- Crane & Turtle
- Barrel & Crow
- Barrel & Bushel
- Fig & Olive
- Crumbs & Whiskers
- Villain & Saint
- Stanton & Greene
- &Pizza
- Ivy & Coney
- Meats & Foods
*Soon to open
This article appears in our August 2015 issue of Washingtonian.