Things to Do

This Mean Girls-Themed Party Before the Mean Girls Musical Looks Like It’ll Be SO Fetch

If you’re a fan of Mean Girls, you now have the chance to party like the Plastics in support of the National Theatre.


To celebrate the premiere of Mean Girls the musical, which premiers in DC on October 31, a group of young Washingtonians committed to the arts called Young Patrons of the National Theatre is hosting a Mean Girls-themed party. This is the group’s first event, and they’re hoping to raise money for the theater and to get millennials involved with the arts in the process—an idea that came to them when they saw National Theatre’s millennial-friendly line up for the year.

The party, which is scheduled for November 30 at 6:30 PM, is open to 150 attendees, however, party-goers must be between the ages of 21 and 35. Which means, for those not in that age span:


“Essentially, we are gathering young theatergoers who have an interest in helping the National Theatre continue to thrive,” host committee member Stephanie Wilkes says. “It is our hope that people will feel this connection, continue to come to shows, and become invested in the success of the theatre.”

While November 30 is a Thursday, not a Wednesday, we still suggest you wear pink. The whole party will be dripping in the Plastics’ signature shade, including beverages. The event will serve a pink rosé-based “Cool Mom” cocktail (because if you’re going to drink, they’d rather you do it in the party).


There will also be pink iced brownies from Baked & Wired, chocolates from BonBon Brasil, and mini bags of buttered popcorn. (Fair warning: They do have carbs.) For the Glen Cocos among us, there will also be mini candy canes.


But like high school cliques, not all tickets are created equal. While all tickets include a seat at the musical immediately following the party, there will be different ticket levels for the event, each labeled with one of the film’s iconic lines, starting with “Get in Loser, We’re Going Shopping” at $150 and going up to “I’m Sorry That People Are Jealous of Me” at $500. Both the $500 level and the $250 “You Go, Glen Coco!” level will include gift bags and name recognition on event collateral.

Tickets to the event can be purchased on EventBrite, and we have a hunch the whole thing will be SO fetch.


Editorial Fellow

Christine Jackson joined Washingtonian as an editorial fellow in summer 2017. She enjoys writing about art, culture, history, news of the weird and, occasionally, hockey. She is originally from St. Louis, Missouri and is an alumna of the Missouri School of Journalism at the University of Missouri, more affectionately known as Mizzou. For now you can find her hanging around Cathedral Heights.