Every year our critics visit hundreds of restaurants as they narrow down a list of the DC area’s 100 Very Best. To choose which will be featured on the cover of Washingtonian, our creative team looks at images of dishes at restaurants that our food writers think will likely end up near the top of the list and schedules a series of photo shoots. This past December they spent two days shooting pictures for cover consideration at Requin, Masseria, and Del Mar, whose seafood paella ultimately got the nod. Here’s a look at the process.
Video Direction and Production by Mojalvo (@mojalvo)
Photography by Scott Suchman (@scottsuchman)
Food Styling by Lisa Cherkasky (@lisacherkasky)
Creative Director: Jason Lancaster (@jasonwlancaster)
Photo Director: Anna Marina Savvidis (@annamarinaaa)
Cover lettering by Travis W. Simon (@traviswsimon)
Featuring Chef Fabio Trabocchi at Del Mar (@dcdelmar), Chef Michael Rafidi at Requin (@requinwharfdc) and Chef Nick Stefanelli at Masseria (@masseriadc).