
Today at 11: Chat With Food Critic Ann Limpert

Leave a question now for Ann, and she'll get to as many as possible this morning.

Join us August 3 at 11 AM to chat with Ann Limpert. Have questions about our latest Eat Great Cheap list? Where to crack crabs this weekend? Or maybe you just need a dinner recommendation. Leave a question below, and Ann will get to as many as she can.

Ann: Hello, chatters! I hope you’ve had a great week. ’Tis the season for crab dip (one of my biggest weaknesses on the planet) and after sampling a couple this week, I think I’ve found a local winner: the creamy, slightly sweet version at Hank’s at the Wharf. I only wish it came with better bread, but it was really tasty with the saltines that also came alongside. In fact, Hank’s so far has been my favorite place to pre-game a show at the Anthem (like last night’s epic Father John Misty concert)—oysters, crab dip, lobster rolls, done. 

Next week, I’m trying out a new thing, and that thing is a theme, and that theme will be RESTAURANT WEEK. Into it? Over it? Come at me with all your questions, opinions, gripes, et cetera. 

And lastly, am I the only one who began the day yesterday asking WTF is Rick & Morty, the theme of Drink Company’s new pop-up bar in Shaw? Or am I just ancient? The answer seems to be no, and uh, yeah. Whatever. Hey Angie Fetherston, if niche TV is still an option, can I put an Arrested Development-themed bar in the suggestion box? 

Alright, onto this week’s round of questions. Ask them in the form below, chat transcript shows up beneath that.