The 2nd Annual Allison Gala was held on Monday, September 10th at Longview Gallery. The popular DC venue was proud to host the gala for a consecutive year.
The gala was founded by Brandt Ricca, owner of the new DC based events and marketing company Nora Lee, which debuted with its logo on the pink “red” carpet. The gala was started in memory of close family friend Allison Virginia Ryan who lost her battle to Triple Negative Breast Cancer at the age of 28 (20 months post diagnosis).
Triple Negative Breast Cancer gets its name for the lack of three receptors known to fuel most breast cancers: estrogen, progesterone and human epidermal growth factor receptor 2. The most successful treatments for breast cancer target these receptors. Triple Negative Breast Cancer tends to be more aggressive, more likely to recur and more difficult to treat because there are currently no targeted treatments.
The gala, which benefits the Triple Negative Breast Cancer Foundation, raised more than $25,000 in 2017 and added another $15,000 this year to the cumulative total through sponsorships, ticket sales, and silent auction bidding.
Guests danced to the sounds of classic soft rock cover band Riptide, with a break to listen to a surprise interim performance by vocal artist Cariel Coates.
Food stations were fueled by Shake Shack, District Taco, Matchbox and Menchies, and guests quenched their thirst at cocktail stations provided by Compass Rose, Bar Pilar and Cafe St Ex.
After party followed at Baby Wale.