News & Politics

Washingtonian Today: Welcome to Fall

Photograph by Evy Mages

About Washingtonian Today

Washingtonian Today is not just another political news roundup. Instead, this daily morning brief provides local context on national news, catches you up on what’s happening at Washingtonian, points you toward super duper awesome things to do around town, and lets you in on some special events going on in-house. Sign up here to receive Washingtonian Today in your inbox every morning.

It’s rainy, chilly, and a little bit spooky—welcome to sweater weather, Washington, and happy Monday. Stories are beginning to sell pumpkins, delicious pies, and Halloween decorations. Have you began thinking about your costume? I think I may be a Omnibus Spending Bill. ICY (somehow) MI: Another accuser has come forward against Brett Kavanaugh, throwing another wrench into hearing and testimonies scheduled for later this week.

What we have cooking at Washingtonian:

• To the dismay of many a 9-5 worker, the fast-casual sub place Taylor Gourmet shut its doors over the weekend. Find out what led to its demise.

• A brief on Ed Wheelan, the man who circulated the Kavanaugh-doppleganger conspiracy theory.

• Christine Blasey Ford wouldn’t have had an easy time reporting her allegation back in the ’80s. We had an expert tell us why.

• And Washington elites still would have wanted to chime in. They didn’t hold back this time around, and those in support of Ford and Kavanaugh sent over 40 letters to Congress. Here’s the lowdown.

Our pick for things to do around the District:

Author Neal Bascomb delves into the WWI internment camp Holzminden in his book The Escape Artists: A Band of Daredevil Pilots and the Greatest Prison Break of the Great War. At the Spy Museum, Bascomb will speak about a group of Allied prisoners who planned an elaborate escape complete with disguises, fake walls, and a 150-mile route through enemy territory towards Holland. These escapees later used their strategies in the British spy organization MI-9 during WWII. $12, 6:30 PM.

Good reads:

Zachary Pincus-Roth exposes the fact that there are DC residents who don’t like Hamilton: meet them all. (Washington Post)

Christina Cauterucci thoughtfully explains the power behind the #WhyIDidn’tReport movement. (Slate)

Essential long read:

These are the goths who love Donald Trump. (The Outline)

Big events from Washingtonian:

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Earn supervisor of the year and submit your office for Washingtonian’s list of the Best Places to Work.

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Staff Writer

Brittany Shepherd covers the societal and cultural scene in political Washington. Before joining Washingtonian as a staff writer in 2018, Brittany was a White House Correspondent for Independent Journal Review. While she has lived in DC for a number of years now, she still yearns for the fresh Long Island bagels of home. Find her on Twitter, often prattling on about Frasier.