This morning saw one of the clearest signs of the DC’s return to pre-pandemic norms: the notorious Red Line—bless its heart—was delayed due to a “train malfunction.” Naturally, there was a bit of frustration from commuters who were running late. But one video of the scene circulating on Twitter shows a train car stuffed with bodies on bodies (many masked, a few unmasked) packed in the small space with standing-room only. Adem Arac’s reaction is probably relatable to everyone who suffered the stuffy ride—”heavily sobs internally.”
UPDATED: Red Line Delay: Expect residual delays to Shady Grove due to an earlier train malfunction outside Takoma.
— Metrorail Info (@Metrorailinfo) July 28, 2021
This is why I don't take the metro in DC @wmata @Metrorailinfo The first day I decide not to drive.. it's delays waiting on a train for 22 🤬 minutes #lasttime
— Bkcupcakes ~🕊👑🐬 (@bksweetpea) July 28, 2021
Morning Commute Metro is back baby!!!!!
*heavily sobs internally* @WashProbs @HakunaWMATA @unsuckdcmetro @Metrofailinfo
— Adem Arac (@AdemAracNotTV2) July 28, 2021