News & Politics

Yes, the Zebras Are Still Running Loose in Maryland

A recent video shows one of them disappearing into the night.

Image via iStock.

It has been 23 days since five zebras escaped from a farm near Upper Marlboro, Maryland, and the black-and-white beasties are still on the loose, traversing Maryland roadways like they own the place. Despite the fact they don’t exactly blend with the DMV’s decidedly un-savannah-like surroundings, officials say they’ve struggled to capture them due to the animals’ impressive speed.

A former White House official spotted one of the escapees a few days ago after going fishing with his son, but the most recent spotting has a more sinister vibe. Captured by Chris Horrell, the zebra trots across the roadway, practically begging to be hit, and then disappears into the inky darkness of the night.

Should this happen to you, definitely take pictures, videos, and selfies, but do NOT approach the animals as they may bite. Instead, contact Prince George’s County animal control.

Jane Recker
Assistant Editor

Jane is a Chicago transplant who now calls Cleveland Park her home. Before joining Washingtonian, she wrote for Smithsonian Magazine and the Chicago Sun-Times. She is a graduate of Northwestern University, where she studied journalism and opera.