News & Politics

Watch Manchinema Protestors Follow Kyrsten Sinema Into a Bathroom. And Kayak to Joe Manchin’s Houseboat.

Two very unusual protests, two must-watch videos.

Joe Manchin speaks with kayaking protestors from his houseboat. Screenshot from Solar Light News on YouTube.

Over the last few years, we’ve watched protestors become more and more comfortable targeting politicians as they go about their private lives in Washington (whether at a restaurant, or outside their homes). But liberal anger over Congress’s failure to pass spending and infrastructure bills now has activists getting even more…up close and personal with the targets of their ire. Witness the rallies against Democratic senators Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema this past weekend.

Kayakers and other boaters paddled up to Manchin, who famously lives on a houseboat named “Almost Heaven” when he’s in DC. A video shows him leaning over the railing to speak with people who want him to support the budget reconciliation bill, one of whom is holding a sign that reads “don’t sink our healthcare.”

Meanwhile, at Arizona State University, students followed Sinema into the bathroom to question her about immigration and other issues. And yes, they waited until she was done.