News & Politics First Ever US Ambassador to the Arctic Coming Soon What’s the deal with this cool position? Ambassador, arctic | Nov 2, 2022
News & Politics The Turkish Embassy Beat-Down Foreign agents attacked American citizens on the streets of DC. Can Americans bring them to justice? Donald Trump, Alexandria, Protests, Embassies | May 2, 2018
News & Politics Turns Out the British Ambassador Is a Pretty Cool Dude He's got a knighthood, a Bentley, and a Led Zeppelin ringtone. How is Sir Kim Darroch dealing with the Trump era? Donald Trump, Barack Obama, Q&A, Netflix | Mar 9, 2018
News & Politics Being an Ambassador Is Hard. Being the Ambassador from Yemen Is Even Harder. He runs an embassy that's falling apart, has trouble getting his staff paid, and represents a government that's been chased out of its own capital city. Meet Awad bin Mubarak, who's got bigger problems than the travel ban. Donald Trump, Ambassador, Yemen | Nov 5, 2017
News & Politics The Mysterious Kidnapping of an American Ambassador Still Haunts the State Department Spike Dubs took over the US Embassy in Kabul in 1978. A charismatic Kremlinologist, the ambassador was optimistic that he could maintain America’s influence in a country that bordered the Soviet Union. Then one morning only seven months into Dubs’s tenure, an unidentified band of kidnappers carjacked him and took him hostage at a popular hotel in the center of town. State Department, Ambassador, Spike Dubs, US Embassy | Jun 4, 2017