
Sidewalk Style: Poolside Pretty

For this week’s Sidewalk Style, we took our camera poolside at Brightest Young Thing’s weekend “summer camp” pool party at the Capitol Skyline Hotel.

Catherine Badger, 28
Store merchandiser, Urban Outfitters

What she’s wearing:
Hurley bathing suit, shoes from Italy, Stussy sunglasses, and a Givenchy scarf, which is her grandmother’s. The bathing suit’s cut is pretty sexy by Washington standards. “I was looking for an opportunity to dress up a little bit,” Badger says, “and this party was a great opportunity. I thought, ‘A poolside party? Heels and a bathing suit. We need to do that in Washington.’ ”

What are you wearing when you’re not poolside?
“I grew up riding horses, so I wear a lot of jeans, cowboy boots, and equestrian, knee-high boots. Now that it’s summertime, I have to give that up. For summer, I’m loving the cut-off Levi’s, a vintage look.”

What style are you into trying out this summer?
“I’ve been doing crunches to try to pull off midriff tops. As a merchandiser, it’s hard to dress a mannequin with a shirt cut off, but I think it’s really sexy. I keep thinking about it.”

Rachel says:
Poolside parties—a great excuse to unveil my vintage one-piece suit and shamelessly wear piles of jewelry with a bikini. As for the midriff-baring tops, I’m happy to see that the current look is more Viva Las Vegas than ’80s Madonna. (I just saw Viva Las Vegas for the first time a few months ago, and Ann-Margret rocks some seriously cute, structured midriff-baring tops.) Do you dare?

Weigh in on Catherine’s look!

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