
In Photos: The Tweed Ride

Hundreds of people took to the streets on their bikes, dressed in old-fashioned tweed, for DC's first Tweed Ride.

>> See more photos at our Tweed Ride photo slideshow 

If you were out and about on the streets of DC on Sunday, you may have seen hundreds of folk decked out in tweed, newsboy caps, pearls and bowties—all as they took a jaunt on their bicycles. What you were seeing was DC's first Tweed Ride, a bike event organized by Dandies and Quaintrelles, a DC social club whose mission is to celebrate "good manners and refined style." 

The purpose of the Tweed Ride? "Style is our concern. Purposeful amusement is our desire," says the group's Facebook page. All money raised went to Arts for the Aging, Inc.

Want to see some of the style on display? Head to our photo slideshow or check out the video below.

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