
Rogue 24 Turns Over Reservations to CityEats

Plus: RJ Cooper has returned to the Shaw restaurant, but don’t count out future chef sessions yet.

Two dishes from the Rogue 24 repertoire. Photographs by Scott Suchman.

Chef RJ Cooper is back in the kitchen at Rogue 24 following a surgery and a period of convalescence, during which the restaurant invited ten chefs from parts local and far-flung to do guest stints in the kitchen. And according to general manager JP Fetherston, Rogue recently turned its reservation system over to CityEats.

“We had some frustration with OpenTable,” says Fetherston, who adds that the experience working with the DC branch of self-described “lifestyle site” Gilt City during the chef sessions prompted the Rogue staff to start exploring new platforms for reservations. “The alternative technology suited our needs a little better,” he says. Do these needs include a multifaceted platform on which to sell and promote more chef series in the future? Whether Rogue will continue to invite outside toques to cook has been a matter of considerable speculation, as has Cooper’s role at the restaurant. Fetherston won’t comment on specifics about plans for future series, saying only, “Chef has some ideas up his sleeve.” He did say that “regular service” will continue at the restaurant, “with Chef here all the time.”

In other RJ Cooper news, VIP ticket holders to Sweetgreen’s upcoming 2012 Sweetlife Festival will enjoy food and drink “curated” by the Rogue chef. Check back here soon for more details about the offerings.