Things to Do

Chat Recap: Joe Englert on H Street, DC’s Best Nightlife, and How to Open Your Own Bar

That Joe Englert—what a guy! In our online chat with him today, he talked about his latest projects on H Street and beyond, gave sage advice to those looking to invest in the bar/restaurant business, discussed some of DC nightlife's strengths and weaknesses, and, most importantly (for us, at least), announced the imminent return of the Shot and a Haircut deal at the Red and the Black (hint: it involves obtaining cosmetology licenses.)

Oh! Also, during the chat, we found out what Englert has in mind as the ultimate bar for DC: "A gigantic cave restaurant bar…I would love to start digging right now." Genius! Check out the transcript here.

Next Wednesday at noon, stand-up comedian Aaron Karo will be joining us for a chat. Start submitting questions now.