
Lyman’s Bar Headed for 14th Street Location

The neighborhood bar will have live music, a year-round patio, and Long Trail on tap.

The Raven Grill owner Merid Admassu is teaming up with Kevin Perone and Cafe Saint Ex’s Jessica Kleinmann on a tavern called Lyman’s at 3720 14th Street, Northwest.

In a city where “every bar that opens has to have a theme,” Perone wants to create a relaxed place to drink and listen to live music and deejays—no rap or dance, but old-school stuff like doo-wop, soul, and classic country-and-western tunes. There will be at least two pinball tables and a 20-seat heated patio with a retractable roof, a latticed privacy fence, and an indoor-outdoor counter so you can order drinks without having to go inside.

Lyman’s will be decorated with a collection of family heirlooms and other bric-a-brac Perone has collected over the years. A former Vermonter, Perone is a big fan of the Long Trail Brewing Company beer—so there will be plenty of that, along with local brews like DC Brau and Chocolate City, on tap. Liquors will range from well to top shelf, with no particular specialty. (Remember, no themes!) The tavern will be equipped with a convection oven, and Perone and partners are consulting with chef friends about what to cook there—personal pizzas are a possibility. One thing is certain: “I want there to be a basket of popcorn in your face as soon as you walk in the door,” says Perone. Look for Lyman’s to open at the end of January or early February.