Good Reading. Nick Confessore's articles are becoming must-reads among the political establishment. A Washington Monthly piece on K Street lobbying caused lots of talk and got ink from the likes of New York Times columnist Paul Krugman. "G.I. Woe," about the overburdening of the US military, won the 28-year-old Princeton graduate the Livingston Award, a $10,000 prize for young journalists. Confessore is currently contributing to the Washington Monthly and the Atlantic and–he laughs–"looking for work."
Washingtonian staff contributing to this section were Chuck Conconi, Sherri Dalphonse, Susan Davidson, Mary Clare Fleury, Cynthia Hacinli, Thomas Head, Stephanie Jones, Ann Limpert, Drew Lindsay, Chad Lorenz, Leslie Milk, William O'Sullivan, Cindy Rich, and Jeremy Stahl. Also contributing were writers Cathy Alter, Ann Cochran, and Jenny Sullivan.