News & Politics

The Guest List: March

Welcome to the Guest List, a monthly roundup of the eight people we’d most like to have over for drinks, good food, and conversation.

Anita Brikman—The newest face at Channel 9’s anchor desk, Brikman is an accomplished health reporter recruited from Philadelphia.

John Nagl—The Army lieutenant colonel has helped reshape US counterinsurgency tactics in Iraq; he is leaving the military for a fellowship at the Center for a New American Security, a DC think tank.

Ghida Fakhry—The anchor for Al-Jazeera English has been arguing that the news channel should be viewable here, but no major domestic cable company will carry it.

Anne Mulcahy—The CEO of Xerox and, according to Forbes, the 13th-most-powerful woman in business is the newest addition to the Washington Post Company’s star-packed board of directors.

Michael Collins—How do the Irish actually mark St. Patrick’s Day? The new Irish ambassador will be celebrating his first one in Washington.

Milt Peterson—Peterson’s $2-billion footprint on Prince George’s County, the National Harbor project, is nearing completion.

Robert Boorstin—The former Clinton-administration foreign-policy official is one of the leaders of Google’s new office on DC’s New York Avenue.

Dmitri Young—The National Comeback Player of 2007 will be one of the team leaders as the Nats move into their new ballpark.