My love for old houses has always been at odds with how those homes were built. They tend to have many small rooms and itty-bitty closets, making for segmented floor plans. New homes, though, lack the charm of a home that has been lived in and worked on for 80 years.
So when I see an item like Crate and Barrel’s Windham Corner Cabinet, I immediately want to break into a brand new, high rise apartment and force the inhabitants to buy it. Doesn’t it remind you of the pieces that were built into 1920s houses, back when homeowners favored permanent furniture, like those hallway phone nooks? Sure, it’s fake charm, but it’s still so charming! Now’s the time to snap it up, too, because the price is down from $249 to $199.
Ballard Designs has a classic and functional piece in the Austin Chest, which is discounted from $699 to $549.
Wrapables’ Glass “O” Bead” Chandelier could provide bright and pretty dancing lights in your room. I have something similar in my apartment, and it cheers me up to be greeted with rainbows when I’m snarfing cereal in the mornings.