You Are What You Eat
As if the coming wave of girl-friendly steakhouses and sports bars wasn’t ridiculous enough, here comes “brogurt”—fat-free Greek yogurt for ab-obsessed dudes who couldn’t possibly be seen housing a tub of Fage. [Grub Street] —Ann Limpert
Perfect for Washington’s political climate, here’s a partisan rundown of food preferences. No surprise that Dems like KFC better than “hate chicken” (a.k.a. Chick-fil-A). Republicans, apparently, like doughnuts. [Eater National] —Anna Spiegel
Finally, some good news: HuffPo ranks hot sauces based on how often they appear on menus and in recipes, and how popular they are. Better news: Four of the top five are in my pantry at home. [Huffington Post] —Sophie Gilbert
Famous Foodies
Uproxx’s TV Gourmet series re-creates dishes from television shows (like Archer’s “Nutella steak and eggs”)—and somehow they managed to get Anthony Bourdain to comment on the recipes. Re: the aforementioned steak dish, he says, “You’d have a hard time getting a crackhead to eat this.” [Uproxx] —Tanya Pai
News You Can Booze
I didn’t think I could love my SodaStream Penguin any more than I already do, but I have a feeling these fizzed-up cocktail recipes will change that. [New York Times] —AL
Um, isn’t drinking watery Budweiser kind of the point? [Gawker] —AS
Tortilla Warfare
Literally one of the most horrifying food-related stories I’ve ever heard. Don’t read it if you ate—or are planning to eat—a burrito for lunch. Or ever again. [Grub Street] —TP
And in other bad burrito news, a Florida man was arrested after he threw one at his teenage brother-in-law’s face. [Miami New Times] —TP
Ripped From the Headlines
So you’ve got a lot of “beef”—er, horse—on your hands. Brightest Young Things has a handy guide to eating Black Beauty, complete with suggested pairings and recipes. [BYT] —AS
Big food has been in the news a lot recently, specifically regarding the New York Times Magazine’s epic piece on how corporations manipulate products to make them addictive to consumers. But NPR reports on an new Oxfam study examining how buying certain products isn’t only harmful to the person eating them. Ten of the world’s biggest food companies flunk when it comes to treatment of workers, contributions to climate change, and relationships with farmers. [NPR] —SG
The Secret’s Out
A look at the “secret menus” of popular chains such as Starbucks and McDonald’s. The results range from tasty-sounding (Jamba Juice’s Gummi Bear smoothie) to gag-inducing (the Wendy’s “meat cube”). [HuffPo] —TP