Want your pet to be featured on our website? E-mail your pet’s name, location, a brief bio, and a photo to pets@washingtonian.com and use the subject line “Reader Pets.”
“Boo (above) is a 1.5-year-old Poochon who lives in Arlington. He loves to lure you into chasing him by starting out playing fetch, then stopping a few feet away with the ball in his teeth and taunting you with a ‘cmon, let’s see what you got’ flick of his head.”
“This is Botwin of Brookland, a Dachshund/pit bull mix, 2.5 years old and photogenic!”
“Huck is an 18-month-old English bulldog who likes short walks around the block, meeting new (and old!) friends when he is out in his Logan Circle neighborhood, and carrying his purple dinosaur around the house. He may snore loudly, but with a face like this it’s hard to hold it against him.”
“My name is Mac, short for Judah Macabee. I’m 11 years old and live in Potomac. I am a perky little Maltese and love to play with my toys and cuddle with my people. Even though I’m small I get my kicks chasing all those deer in our backyard!”