News that the Kennedy Center would be hosting the phenomenon Hamilton two seasons from now sent Washingtonians into a frenzy, instantly making the rap musical the hottest ticket in town. That’s no surprise—the Broadway show has basically been sold out since opening last August, and tales of bidding wars and epic efforts to secure a seat are the norm. So how can you land a ticket for Washington’s 14-week run beginning June 2018?
The guaranteed way, according to the KenCen, is to buy a subscription to the 2016-17 season—that places you first in line for a subscription to 2017-18, when Hamilton debuts here. Asking people to buy two season subscriptions to see one show hasn’t sat well with more casual theatergoers, who have tossed around phrases like “extortionist prices,” forcing the Kennedy Center president Deborah Rutter to defend against accusations of price-gouging. Theater subscriptions come in two versions—one starting around $500, the other around $120—and prices for the 2017-18 subscriptions haven’t been set yet.
RELATED: Colonial Williamsburg May Hire Actors to Play in Hamilton
But the center has repeatedly stated the single tickets will be available for the general public. “Let us reassure you, we want to share Hamilton with as many people as possible,” the KenCen wrote in a Medium post in May, adding that it would keep people informed about on-sale dates via social media.
So unless you’re opening your wallet right now for a season subscription, we don’t yet know the best way to get tickets. But keep in mind that the Opera House’s capacity is nearly double that of Hamilton’s current home in New York City. And when the play does begin its local run, the mania surrounding it will have had more than two years to cool off. Until then, load up the original-cast recording on Spotify and kick back with a few Federalist Papers, because it’s gonna be a while.
While you wait for Hamilton to come to DC, go on a Hamilton fan’s tour of Washington.
This article appears in our July 2016 issue of Washingtonian.