It’s only the beginning of December, but Christmas decorations are up and all around Washington. It’s never too early to organize the biggest Christmas tree, the most beautiful lights, and the greatest wreaths. Here are some of the best ones so far in the area. You can even experience many of them yourself!
Catch these gorgeous lights at the famous “Christmas Bar”–if you can get in.
Ah, Key Bridge at sunset. The wreaths along the boardwalk make this a perfect holiday walk.
The embassy of Norway gifted this Christmas tree–hence the flags. Go bask in its glow at Union Station.
CityCenterDC goes all out. Check out literally lit snowflakes as you walk down Palmer Alley.
You probably won’t be able to see these decorations from the White House (thanks, Obama) but at least you know they’re doing it right.
If you’re not lucky enough to secure a White House invite, you could always go across the street to enjoy the company of these stately nutcrackers at Old Ebbitt Grill.
The silver ball theme at CityCenter is MAGICAL.
The Christmas Bar, aka the Miracle on 7th Street, totally transformed everything with crazy decorations. Those are Santas riding on narwhals.
For something a little more classic (unless you are into narwhals), check out National Harbor. There’s a ferris wheel around there somewhere.
Larger than life reindeer?! Honestly, CityCenter is giving the White House competition.
Hmm, then again with that view from 1600 Pennsylvania, maybe not. CityCenter is just really trying (who are we kidding, it’s totally working).
Sometimes holiday decorating can go a little haywire–and turn your life upside down–but no fear! You’ve still got weeks till Christmas.