
Today at 11: Chat With Food Critic Ann Limpert

Chat about takeout, recipes, restaurant closures, and more.

Photograph by Scott Suchman

Join us Friday, April 17 at 11 AM to chat with Washingtonian food critic Ann Limpert. She’s here to answer any questions you may have about life during this pandemic—whether about ways to help the restaurants you love and miss, cooking projects, takeout options, or anything else. Leave a question now, and Ann will get to as many as she can.

Ann: Good morning—hope you’ve all been holding up OK on Day #who-the-eff-knows.

Couple quick things: If your birthday or anniversary is coming up, don’t put it off! I’ve got some ideas for you here. Also, a restaurant actually opened this week. Let’s hear it for Call Your Mother Capitol Hill.

What are you making/ordering this weekend? I’m planning on firing up the grill and taking on a recipe for one of the dishes I miss the most: Estadio‘s yogurt-marinated chicken thighs with slaw.

Onto your questions! Leave them in the form below; the chat transcript shows up underneath. I’m here for the next 45 minutes or so.