News & Politics

The Fences Got Higher and the Crowds Got Larger: Photos From Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s Protests in DC

As protests over the killing of George Floyd by Minneapolis police continue, Washingtonian photographer Evy Mages has been there to document emotional moments of unrest from thousands of protesters. You can see more of her protest photos here.

Peaceful protesters push signs up against the fence around Lafayette Square, June 2.
Peaceful Protesters gather outside of fence around Lafayette Square, June 2.
The fence around Lafayette Square, June 2.
Peaceful protesters demand justice at the fence around Lafayette Square, June 2.
Police on 16th St NW, June 2.
Military police, park police, and park police on horse on 16th St, June 2.
“Police Violence = State Terror,” reads a sign held up by a young girl at 16th Street NW, June 2.
Member of the clergy protests outside St John’s Episcopal Church, June 2.
Peaceful protesters flood 16th St NW, June 2.
Peaceful protesters on 16th St NW, June 2.
Protesters on the steps of St John’s Episcopal Church, one prepared to act as a medic for those sprayed by pepper spray, June 2.
Protesters climb traffic light, June 2.
“Justice for George.” Lafayette Square, June 2.
The fence at Lafayette Square, June 2.
Peaceful protesters outside the fence at Lafayette Square, June 2.
Peaceful protesters outside the fence at Lafayette Square, June 2.
Peaceful protesters along the fence at Lafayette Square, June 2.
Peaceful protesters along the fence at Lafayette Square, June 2.
National Guard members patrol peaceful protesters on 16th St NW, June 2.
Clyde’s in Chinatown, 7th St NW, June 2.
Metro Police Officers on bikes, June 2.
Peaceful protesters sing “Lean On Me,” at 16th St NW and I St NW, June 3.