
Four Beaches Within 90 Minutes of DC

The Plan: Be on a Beach in 90 Minutes

Sandy Point State Park

On this mile-long beach near Annapolis, you can gaze out onto the Chesapeake—and smugly watch traffic crawl on the Bay Bridge heading to and from the ocean. See Distance from DC: 40 miles.

Flag Ponds Nature Park

Prehistoric sharks’ teeth and other fossils await on the beach at Flag Ponds.

This Southern Maryland beach is nirvana for fossil hunters, who comb the sand and surf for prehistoric sharks’ teeth. Go to Distance from DC: 53 miles.

Gunpowder Falls State Park

The park’s Hammer-man Area has a 1,500-foot-long beach along the wide Gunpowder River. The park can reach capacity on weekends and holidays. See Distance from DC:56 miles.

Hunting Creek Lake

This 75-acre manmade lake in Maryland’s Cunningham Falls State Park offers two beaches. Take a short hike from South Beach to the park’s 78-foot-high waterfall. See Distance from DC:66 miles.

This article appears in the May 2021 issue. 

Editor in chief

Sherri Dalphonse joined Washingtonian in 1986 as an editorial intern, and worked her way to the top of the masthead when she was named editor-in-chief in 2022. She oversees the magazine’s editorial staff, and guides the magazine’s stories and direction. She lives in DC.