Parenting Literary Agent Howard Yoon Is Also an Expert on Fatherhood Wife Victoria and son Ian dish out the details on this well-rounded dad. Hot Dad | Jun 1, 2015
Parenting Jim Sciutto This CNN national security correspondent is no stranger to the adventures of parenthood. Hot Dad | Dec 8, 2014
Parenting Trevor Booker Off the Basketball Court This Washington Wizard isn't just an NBA all-star, he's an all-star Dad. Hot Dad | Jul 28, 2014
Parenting Bryan Voltaggio Outside of the Kitchen The celebrity chef’s family dishes on what he’s like at home. Hot Dad | May 9, 2014
Parenting Kevin Madden for Superman The political strategist's family on why he makes the cut. Hot Dad | Jan 22, 2014
Parenting John Rice Does it All The Management Leadership for Tomorrow CEO's family on why he deserves the coolest of titles Hot Dad | Dec 6, 2013