
Literary Agent Howard Yoon Is Also an Expert on Fatherhood

Wife Victoria and son Ian dish out the details on this well-rounded dad.

Image via Shutterstock. Image via Shutterstock. Photograph by Carlene Thomas. Image via Shutterstock. Photograph courtesy of Faith Like a Mustard Seed Farm Image via Shutterstock. Image via Shutterstock. Photograph courtesy of Shutterstock Image via Shutterstock. Howard Yoon, partner at the Ross Yoon Agency. Photograph by Kip Dawkins; styling by Marcie Blough

Howard Yoon is a well-regarded literary agent, a partner at the Ross Yoon Agency, but in addition to helping authors get their work in print, he could probably write a book of his own, on the subject of fatherhood. Yoon’s son, Ian, 10, is every inch a Mini-Me of his father: he loves to cook, he likes the outdoors, and he has a good understanding of the publishing industry. “Howard can balance the demands of being a modern parent artfully,” says Howard’s wife, Victoria Lai, the owner of Ice Cream Jubilee; the couple got married in January. “His energy and thoughtfulness create an easygoing—and loving—environment for our family.”

His Teaching Skills:

Ian: “He’s taught me how to cook. And he’s also taught me how to survive a zombie apocalypse!”

His Comedy Routine:

Victoria: “Howard infuses fun and spontaneity into any situation. He has crazy voices and bad puns—he always keeps us laughing.”

His Parenting Style:

Victoria: “Howard’s years as a single dad strengthened his relationship with Ian forever. They’re more than father and son, they’re coconspirators, adventurers, allies on the same team.”

His Fashion Sense:

Ian: “My dad wears suits a lot, but I like it when we all hang out in our pajamas.”

His Nourishing Nature:

Victoria: “Dinnertime carries more meaning than just food. Even on ‘ordinary’ nights, Howard creates restaurant-worthy meals. Ian and I appreciate how he makes time to show us that love.”

His Devotion:

Ian: “Sometimes we’ll go on a hike to the Billy Goat Trail or Great Falls.”

His Best Times:

Ian: “We like to go camping together, and we cook together. We make pasta from scratch and roll out the dough. Every night before I go to sleep, we hang out in my bed and talk.”
