News & Politics

25 Beautiful People: Mary Ourisman

Washington's most beautiful people.

Mary Ourisman, 60

Photograph by Matthew Worden

Wife of mandy ourisman, car-dealer magnate

Do you have any beauty secrets? I just do whatever the latest trend is. No yo-yo dieting.

Do you work out? I do yoga once a week. I have a little gym in my home that has a treadmill and weights. I try and work out twice a week for 45 minutes.

Where do you like to eat? For the people, Cafe Milano. For the food, I like TenPenh. If it’s comfort food, Austin Grill because I’m a Texan and it reminds me of home.

Do you have any guilty pleasures? Adventuresome travel or sports. I’ve been to India, China, the Galápagos Islands. My husband doesn’t go with me; I go with girlfriends. Shopping, too. I like to shop when I travel to exotic places.

What is your dream career? A Navy SEAL, a Navy pilot, or a Broadway dancer or singer.

How has beauty changed in Washington? I think Washington has become more fashion conscious, better with clothing.
