
Friday Link List: Try-On Fees, The Bling Ring’s Costumes, and BYT’s Poolside Style

Our favorite style stories from the week.

Photo by Emma McAlary via BYT.

We’re loving the summery vibe of BYT’s latest style story, shot poolside
at the Capitol Skyline Hotel and starring tons of locally sourced
goodies. [Brightest Young Things]

Apparently some shoe stores are considering charging try-on fees to combat the shoppers who use their merchandise to determine fit, then buy online for less. Fees could range from $5 to $25. Would you pay $25 just to see if a shoe fits? Our take: Um, no way. We’ll take our chances. [Footwear News via Racked]

Vogue has a new cooking show (???) and the legendary Grace Coddington makes a co-hosting cameo, cooking something very fatty and cheese-covered. Her fluffy cat Bart makes an appearance, too. It’s all as awesome as it sounds. [Fashionista]

We’re pretty excited for Sofia Coppola’s new movie, The Bling Ring—and mostly for the wardrobe potential. The Cut goes behind-the-scenes with the film’s costume designer to get the scoop on how she recreated the celebs’ Loubie-stuffed closets. [The Cut]