Name: Daniel Penchina
Firm: Raben Group
Age: 32
As a principal at the Raben Group—a firm known for lobbying on behalf of nonprofit organizations—Penchina has had to master the interests of a wide variety of clients. He talks easily about issues ranging from the link between cancer and BPA, a chemical in plastics, to the problems with the forensic-science techniques used to convict criminals. And he makes such technical topics interesting and easy to understand.
“He doesn’t just speak as a lobbyist,” says Peter Neufeld, codirector of the Innocence Project, one of Penchina’s clients. “He speaks as somebody who strongly believes in our message.” For the Innocence Project, Penchina has been working with the Senate Judiciary Committee on a bill to regulate the use of forensic science in criminal investigations.
This article appears in the June 2011 issue of The Washingtonian.