Friday, August 12
DONATE: Do some good this weekend and donate your blood at Hyatt Washington’s Red Cross Blood Drive from 12 to 4 PM. Click here to register and use sponsor code 16697.
YOGA: By 8 PM tonight, Past Tense Studio will hold couples-only Date Night yoga class. Get your yoga on with your significant other until 9:15 PM and then head to Radius for dinner, where you’ll get a Date Night discount. Click here to register. Past Tense has canceled its Date Night class. Apologies for any confusion.
Saturday, August 13
PLAY: Here’s your chance to act like a kid again. The Adult Play Date-A-Charitable Affair is raising funds for the National Physical Activity Plan to fight obesity. Play tug-of-war and dodgeball, and enter a relay with your team all in good fun. It’s $100 per team to enter—45 percent of each team fee will be donated to charity. Each team must have six members and all must be at least 18 years old. Register online before the day of the event.
BIKE: DC is a growing bike-friendly city, so some of your wheels may need a tune-up. Head to Massachusetts Avenue, Northwest, in Dupont Circle from 1 to 5 PM to get a free bike-tuning from an expert mechanic at the mobile Bike Shop. The 20-foot-long trailer is making its rounds throughout the nation to promote the release of Levi’s commuter-friendly jeans. The Commuter Tour is a partnership between Urban Outfitters and Levi’s.
RUN/WALK/RIDE: A Fun Run/Walk/Ride at the Springfield Swim and Racquet Club (7400 Highland Street, Springfield) will raise money to send the Fairfax County Police Department’s hockey team to the World Police and Fire Games in New York City. There are three different distances: 3M, 10K, and 10-mile. Register on-site the day of the race for $20. The race begins “whenever you want.” Just make sure you end by 7 PM for the post-event festivities, including grilled food, refreshments, and a pool dip. Adults can BYOB. For more information, click here.
Sunday, August 14
RUN: Take a run through Leesburg at the 23rd annual Leeburg 10K and eighth annual 20K. The races start at 7:30 AM and you can celebrate with a post-race brunch. Have kids? Enter them in the free Kids Fun Run. The races will support youth programs put on by the YMCA Loudon County. Click here to register.
SWIM: The HarborFest Open Water swim competition at North Cove at National Harbor includes three swim distances: 750 meters, 1,500 meters and 2.4 miles. All races will start in-water and finish on the beach. DC Tri Club members will receive $10 discount off the entry fee of $65. The 750-meter and 1,500-meter swims will benefit causes that promote clean water for recreation and drinking. Click here for more information and to register.
WALK/RUN: The Vibha Dream Mile 5k Run and Walk is a national fundraiser that’s part of Vibha’s efforts to increase awareness about underprivileged children in India and the United States. Sign up here and pledge to raise money to fund the organization’s child development projects. The race begins at 8 AM at the Reston YMCA (12196 Sunset HIlls Rd., Reston, VA 20190). Kids are welcome to walk or run.
KID-FRIENDLY: Think your kid is the next DC triathlete? Enter him or her in the Kids Tri Too 2 event at the Freedom Aquatic and Fitness Center in Manassas. The youth triathlon is for ages six to 14 and includes “very short” distances in the swim, bike, and run. The race begins at 7:30 AM and is $52 to enter. Click here for more information and to register.
Tuesday, August 16
YOGA: If you haven’t made it yet this month, join Citizen Effect for its third Yoga in the Park, part of its month-long Yoga Challenge. The nonprofit organization, aimed at building more self-reliant and sustainable communities, has partnered with yoga studios around the city to give deals to anyone who raises $250 for Becky’s Fund, a nonprofit organization that seeks to end domestic violence. The free yoga session, which takes place every other week in August, will be at Meridian Hill Park (2500 16th St., NW) from 6:30 to 8 PM. For more information, click here.
GYM: And don’t forget to keep track of that rising thermometer. Anytime it hits at least 90 degrees in August, you can head over to your local Washington Sports Club and workout for free! Click here for more information.
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