Why you might roll your eyes:
Residents know that most court cases are less likely to resemble Brown v. Board of Education than an arcane argument about commercial law.
Why you’ll love it:
Cameras aren’t allowed, so the only way to see a high-court oral argument is in person. Which means it really is a chance to witness history. Ruth Bader Ginsburg swears she’s sticking around, but who knows? You could be one of the last to see her in action before she retires. Or maybe Clarence Thomas will ask his first question in nine years. Even when cases are obscure, the spectacle of people from different political perspectives actually engaging on an issue is an unusual one, at least outside of cable-news studios. (Plus, the justices’ arguments have a bit more impact- and a lot more intelligence- than the ones on cable.) Admission is first-come, first-seated. If you don’t want to stay for the whole event, you can hop into the “three minute” line for members of the public who want a quick peek at the proceedings.
1 First St., NE; 202-479-3030.