News & Politics

Washingtonian Today: Trump Hates Brutalist Architecture

Photograph by Flickr user Daniel Lobo.

About Washingtonian Today

Washingtonian Today is not just another political news roundup. Instead, this daily morning brief provides local context on national news, catches you up on what’s happening at Washingtonian, points you toward super duper awesome things to do around town, and lets you in on some special events going on in-house. Sign up here to receive Washingtonian Today in your inbox every morning.

Happy Monday, Washingtonians! Paul Manafort’s trial begins tomorrow; morning delays continue on the Red line; President Trump and the publisher of the New York Times got into it Sunday. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for more through the day.

Our Things to Do picks for Monday:

Sports: The Citi Open Tennis Tournament continues. Tickets start at $25.

EXHIBIT: National Gallery of Art presents “Sense of Humor.”  This exhibit gathers satirical prints, caricatures, and other comic imagery from a span of more than 500 years. Free.

Today’s free fitness class, by Kim Olsen:

As Elevate Interval Fitness preps to expand to Southwest, join instructors from the 14th Street crew for free outdoor HIIT workouts at the field at Waterfront Station. 399 M St., SW. 6:30 PM

It’s a plan! Let’s catch up, shall we?

• Democrats want to dethrone Barbara Comstock.

It won’t be so easy

• Both Donald Trump Jr. and Robert Mueller were spotted at DCA’s Gate 35X.

A guide to the world’s worst gate

• The MyPillow guy keeps popping up at the Trump Hotel.

But does the hotel stock his product?

Roll Call loses a veteran employee.

Hawkings is no longer here

Around town:

DC police cameras were part of a massive ransomware hack. (Washington Post.)

Trump wants to redesign the FBI’s J. Edgar Hoover building.  (Axios)

Jared and Ivanka, despite waves of criticism, continue to hold on. (New York Times)

Take a break…

Silicon Valley is a breeding ground for spies . (Politico Magazine)

News from home:

Vote in our Cutest Baby Contest.

Here’s how to make the most of crab season.

Staff Writer

Brittany Shepherd covers the societal and cultural scene in political Washington. Before joining Washingtonian as a staff writer in 2018, Brittany was a White House Correspondent for Independent Journal Review. While she has lived in DC for a number of years now, she still yearns for the fresh Long Island bagels of home. Find her on Twitter, often prattling on about Frasier.