News & Politics

Washingtonian Today: Tiffany Trump Played Shuffleboard in Chinatown

Photograph by Evy Mages

So Kim Kardashian, Jared Kushner, and Hakeem Jeffries Walk into the White House… No, this is not the start of a SNL sketch but rather part of the reason the Senate passed a bill revamping the criminal justice system last night. Here’s CNN’s story on how an unlikely crew helped create an equally unlikely victory just three days before a possible partial government shutdown.

Club Going Up on a Tuesday: An eagle-eyed source spotted Tiffany Trump at Chinatown’s Rocket Bar last night playing shuffleboard. That’s a departure from her more ritzy usual hangouts, but sometimes finals season means a cheap beer and a break from the commotion.

Hi, good morning, and happy Wednesday. I’m Brittany Shepherd, the author of this morning newsletter. Feel free to contact me at or find me on Twitter. Sign up for this newsletter here.

Farewell to Another Foggy Bottom Staple? Capitol Grounds, a coffee shop that caffeinated students and federal workers alike for the last 15 years, has reportedly closed. Is this the curse of former neighbor TGI Fridays?

What we have cooking at Washingtonian:

Our pick for things to do around town:

BOOKS Last-minute holiday shopping? Swing by Politics and Prose this morning to get a copy of José Andrés’s book We Fed an Island signed by the chef himself. Note that this event is just a signing; there will be no discussion or reading. A portion of the proceeds will benefit the Chef Relief Network of World Central Kitchen to continue efforts in Puerto Rico and other areas of need. $27.99 (book cost), 10 AM.

Good reads:

How Russian propaganda hid in plain sight on Instagram. (The Outline)

Big events from Washingtonian

Our food critic Ann Limpert will chat with readers Friday at 11. Leave her a question now and she’ll get to as many as possible.

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Staff Writer

Brittany Shepherd covers the societal and cultural scene in political Washington. Before joining Washingtonian as a staff writer in 2018, Brittany was a White House Correspondent for Independent Journal Review. While she has lived in DC for a number of years now, she still yearns for the fresh Long Island bagels of home. Find her on Twitter, often prattling on about Frasier.