Today, the world is tired. It has been an exceedingly difficult past couple of months for our country, not to mention an exceedingly difficult past couple of years.
In a night that many hoped would provide a sliver of certainty in a very uncertain time, we are left hanging, worrying, despairing. But, as it’s wont to do, Earth still turns, a new day comes, and life’s little joys are still there.
For a moment, let’s reflect and share ours:
“My 16-year-old son hugged me last night before I went out to report. Affection is not a common thing with him these days, so that kept me going through a long, cold night in DC.” -Andrew Beaujon, Washingtonian senior editor
“I stress-chopped a ton of onions and actually made a pretty good onion soup—not Le Diplomate good, but on the road. Then I got all Houlihans-y with it and mixed a bunch of shredded mozz’ and provolone in with the gruyere. This was not a time for a dusting of cheese.” -Ann Limpert, Washingtonian executive food editor and critic
“One bright point in the night: everything-spiced pigs ‘n’ blankets from Whole Foods. I often keep a box or two in the freezer. They’re delicious with spicy honey mustard for dunking (and a strong Manhattan or martini).” -Anna Spiegel, Washingtonian food editor
“Because trick-or-treating looked so different this year, many of our neighbors set out full-sized candy bars [and] boxes. That was a treat to find in my kids Halloween bags and comfort eat at 11 PM. Specifically, there was an entire roll of Rolos, which I haven’t had since I was a kid. They were delicious and took me back.” -Amy Moeller, Washingtonian Weddings editor-in-chief
I went for an outdoor workout and felt great! And I saw a super cute weiner dog puppy that made me smile. And I was able to sleep with the windows open a bit because it's not too cold! Beautiful weather today.
— viajera4eva (@viajera4eva) November 4, 2020
I was reminded how much I love the people I have chosen to bubble with through all of this.
— Elizabeth Hargrave (@elizhargrave) November 4, 2020
My blue Biden margarita and Moscow mule (symbolism intended) were a big hit with friends
— Steve Messeh (@stevemesseh) November 4, 2020
I finally got my permanent dental implants after decades with shitty teeth. Worth the several years of very expensive work. Also, went to ballet class!
— Konfetka (@Konfetka_84) November 4, 2020
I finally convinced my son to make a batch of chocolate chip cookies
— atindolph (@atindolph) November 4, 2020
My nerves where so out of whack I could barely finish a glass of wine, but I don’t have a hangover today 🥂
— Sarah Marloff (@SarahMarloff) November 4, 2020
I ate excellent French fries from two different spots (@poboyjim and Brine)
— Barred in DC (@BarredinDC) November 4, 2020