
Sidewalk Style: White Jeans Edition

How to wear one of summer’s trickiest classics.

Ana Chaley Croll, 26
Guest relations, Sofitel Lafayette Square

What she’s wearing:
Reiss top; jeans by Blank!, purchased at Cusp; shoes from a trip to Greece; TKO watch, purchased from Gilt Groupe; thrift-store Whiting & Davis bag; Paul Frank glasses; and a number of layered necklaces—the skull necklace is from designer Eva Gozlan.

How would you describe your personal style? “My best friend describes it as ‘eclectic glamour.’ She also says I always look like I’m stepping off a boat in Capri.”

You do seem attracted to white, gold, and bold patterns and color.
“I love white jeans. They’re a summer staple.”

Where do you shop for basics?  “I love Mango—there’s one in Tysons—for basics. I like the cuts. I have tanks I bought there in 2004 that I still wear. Club Monaco, not for all of the preppier clothes but for the cuts of the basic tops—like a pretty three-quarter-length ballet top. And American Apparel.”

Any advice for women who want to amp up their look a bit?
  “I think it’s really important to dress to your body and to wear what’s right for the occasion. Those are my two philosophies on getting dressed. Even for work, where I wear mostly black, I still look like myself.”

Any favorite items in your closet right now?
“I just bought a strapless silk jumper at the BCBG outlet. It looked ridiculous and confusing on the rack, so I tried it on. The ones that look weird on the rack are always either ridiculous or something that turns into my favorite purchase. It’s black with just a little gold hardware that makes it a little dressy. I wore it that night for drinks at Function.”

Rachel says:
These white jeans look great. A few rules for pulling them off: They’re best worn snug, so accept that and go with it. Just make sure the fabric is thick and sturdy enough—otherwise you’ll run into VPL (visible panty line) problems, and it’ll look generally unflattering. These pants look best with a dressy shoe, so chose either an embellished flat sandal or something with an elegant, thin heel like Anna’s. Pair them with a flowy, loose-fitting top and light, summery jewels. No boat to Capri necessary!

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