Who: Destiny Robinson
Where: Stroga, rehearsing for Fashion: District, ReadySetDC's annual fashion show that highlights local design talent. Destiny walked in the show—along with the author—for Mercedes Bien Vintage (2423 18th St.,NW;202-360-8481).
Where do you go to school? "Osbourn Park High School."
Who did your hair? "I went to my hairdresser, Dawn, at Salon 2020."
Any reason for the special look? "Not a lot of people in Virginia have their hair cut like people from DC. I wanted to try something different."
What are you wearing? "My mom's cardigan, black pants, gray boots, and a blue spaghetti-strap shirt."
Brooke says: I was drawn to her funky hairstyle. Despite being young, she demonstrates a keen sense of style and an awareness of her image.
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