Don’t you love dating during the holidays? That lovely, awkward time when you’re forced to evaluate a fresh relationship and attempt to communicate via material goods that hey, it’s still sort of early but you really like where this is all going and hope to be seeing more of them next year. To top it all off, guys are trickier to shop for than girls—you can’t just wrap up something cool you saw on your fave design blog and expect them to squeal with delight. (As adorable as it looks on your computer screen, that navy polka-dot tie is gonna raise some eyebrows at his next client meeting.) Finding that perfect combination of cool and functional, simple and stylish, and fun but not too childish takes a lot of digging—and you don’t have time for that. Luckily, that’s what we’re here for, so dig we did. And now we present our findings—13 of which come in at under $50.
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